Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Well, there's not much really happening today.. the boys & I were bored, so we decided to set up this little bloggy thing... Not that our life's all that exciting.. but we do seem to have a lot going on some days & there's always company..

OH! We did the coolest thing for Alan for his birthday!!! He's mad for karaoke- totally loves it (his best song is "I'll Tumble For You" by Culture Club - Boy George never did it so good!), so we converted one of the big empty rooms into a nightclub w/ the little round cafe tables & such & we put a stage up front w/ the mirrored back wall & a whole DJ set up w/ karoake.. so now we can have a karaoke party anytime!! He just died! He'd been on vaca for like a month in Europe & had no clue what we were up to at home.. it was the best look on his face when we had "the ribbon-cutting ceremony." These guys are the best. I couldn't have asked for a better buncha roomies!!